sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2015

I DO NOT BELIEVE, BUT..., por Tádzio Nanan

I do not believe in god, but I believe in those who have true faith.

I do not believe in utopia, but I believe in those who strive to improve things every day.

I do not believe in love, but I believe in those who love unconditionally.

I do not believe in peace, but I believe in the goodwill of people.

I do not believe in democracy, but I believe in the freedom of speech, in the debate.

I do not believe in the future, but I firmly believe in the new generations.

I do not believe in salvation, but I believe in saving others.

I do not believe in happiness, but I believe in wide smiles and bright eyes.

I do not believe in me, but I believe in my fellow man.

quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015

HUMANIDADE!, por Tádzio Nanan

Tudo caminha decididamente... Para trás!
Quanto mais concertamos, mais longe da paz!

De dias temerários caem noites repletas de voracidade!
Assim os homens se relacionam: com demencial periculosidade!

O tempo transcorreu e não evoluímos moralmente!
As instituições que criamos, lar de facínoras impenitentes!

Ele continua uma ideia fixa em nossa mente primitiva!
A religião, seu rastro de sangue, suas verdades elusivas...

Cada qual crê ser o centro do eterno infinito!
Desconhece o semelhante, não ouve seu grito!

Cada qual crê que sua verdade é a verdade universal!
E pensando fazer o bem espalha e aprofunda o mal!

Com a mesma origem, mas radicalmente divididos!
Por ódios e preconceitos hediondos carcomidos!

Nosso futuro parece uma inescapável regressão ao passado!
E se temos uma chance é ouvir aos alertas desesperados!

Minha intuição diz que o porvir revelará triste surpresa:
A tecnologia não nos libertará; seremos sua presa!

E como fera que é, segue seu instinto irrefreável,
E o destino da humanidade não nos será agradável!

Assim nossa história termina: a noite cai, hora de dormir!
E nesse instante só os loucos e profetas poderão rir!

terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2015

ONLY OVER MY DEAD BODY!, por Tádzio Nanan

I was left to die in the desert of my loneliness.
But I have faith I will find the path to the fullness.

Being the opposite of myself, my existential condition.
But I'm willing to face and overcome my inner confusion.

The more I search the more I get lost.
But somehow I know I'll find what I want, no matter how long it takes, no matter how much it costs.

Be misunderstood in my actions, in my words is my particular pain.
But I can feel in my heart that my efforts will not be in vain.

Jealous people try to bring me down, overshadow my light.
But make no mistake: I will never give up this fight.

Surrender? Only over my dead body!
Step by step I´ll reach the gates of Glory!

sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015


You´re not so marvelous
You´re not so generous

You´re not so powerful
You´re not so beautiful

You´re not so memorable
You´re not so capable

You´re not so healthy
You´re not so wealthy

You´re not a gift
You´re not the shift

You´re not his/her dream
You´re not what you seem

You´re not so conscious
You´re not so gracious

You´re not so smart
Nor the most important part

You´re not so fair
Nor the escape from despair

You´re not so divine
Nor delicious like wine

You´re not the best
You failed the test

You´re not so helpful
Sometimes you´re dreadful

You´re not the solution
Frequently you increase the confusion

You´re not the example 
(We don´t need another temple)

You´re not the future
You don´t have enough culture

You´re not the exit
You don´t have the courage to face it

You´re not the light
You´re crazy to fight

You´re not an unanimity
You even make charity

You´re not the cure
(Sometimes you´re very obscure)

But relax: at least, you are better than me!

quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2015

I WISH YOU, by Tádzio Nanan

I wish you...
Much knowledge and ridiculous superstitions
Great wisdom and irrepressible desires
A comforting silence and the drums of war
Temperance and greed
Sense and insanity

I wish you...
The lights of morning and the shadows of the night
The truth and everyday lies
Forgiveness and revenge
Friendship and loneliness
Successes and failures

I wish you...
The ordinary life and the most beautiful dreams
Tradition and the freest imagination
Respect for the law and transgression
Words of love and acts of hate
A handshake and a low blow

Because you have to know the both sides of life.
Because you have to fly among the clouds and fall over the precipice.
This is the true meaning of life!